
Orange Fennel Salad


The other night I was charged with making a salad for dinner. We didn't have any normal salad stuff, so I scrounged around and tried to figure something out with the green foods that were available. I'm pleased to report that the result was quite scrumptious! (And this is coming from an avid vegetarian [read: I eat a lot of salad....]). 

I give you:

Orange Fennel Salad 
(It's so good. For the realz.)

Fresh fennel
(tangelos are a really good substitute)
(good substitutions include: romaine, arugula, lemon greens, fresh spinach, or almost any other green you can get your hands on)
Garlic cloves
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Garlic salt

You'll want equal parts oranges, fennel, and cilantro (I'll leave that math up to you). Peel your oranges and slice them through the cross section (like this--except without the peel). Slice your fennel in long, narrow strips. Chop your cilantro and throw it into a bowl with the fennel and oranges. In a small pan, heat up some olive oil. Slice garlic cloves into 1 inch lengths. Add to olive oil and let brown. In a small jar, combine equal parts olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Add approximately 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon mustard, a dash of pepper and a sprinkle of salt.  Add the garlic to the fresh ingredients and drizzle everything with your dressing and--voila!