
We need your help!

For the last three years, Four and Five have been working tirelessly to make being an organ donor a more obvious choice.  
Right now we're working on a new project--and we need your help! 
We're gathering 1,000 videos from people about organ donation and would love to get one from you.
 You can tell whatever story you'd like, but please end the video by saying: 
"My name is _____. I'm an organ donor, and I think you should be one, too."  
Here's our friend Scott's video. He made it when he came to visit me in the hospital.

It doesn't need to be flashy. You can use the camera on your computer or phone.  
Once you do it, please email it to us at: 
We'll post all the videos to our youtube page and link to them here, on twitter and on facebook.
Together we can solve this problem.