
Little bites of the Big Apple

This handsome guy is working for a client in New York right now, and when we heard he was going to be stuck in the office over Father's Day, the babes and I piled in the car and popped up to join him. You can't really tell, but our second favorite Lady Liberty is in the background of this shot...

We snuck out for a few hours on Saturday and took the kids on the Staten Island Ferry.

Oh, hi!

Hettie did a bit of photo bombing on Wall Street.

We paid our respects to David's favorite Founding Father. Can you guess who?

Naturally. I'm frankly more excited for an eventual pilgrimage to his birthplace on the island of Nevis...
They sell honey roasted coconut on the street corners, and it's kind of crazy delicious.

Hettie likes to work it for the camera.
Phinny, not so much.
Of all the things we've seen and done, I think the random Brooklyn splash pad was the biggest hit.

Proof that we do, in fact, have three children.