
What a Wonderful World

Perfection is an ongoing process, but I think that Sunday was one of those passing instances of loveliness that couldn't have been much lovelier. It started at church where my 83 year old grandmother taught a Sunday school lesson on chastity. That woman transformed into a variable Jewish Mormon Dr. Ruth. Nothing was off limits: from her cousins - the Gabor Sisters - to her 57 year marriage and everything in between. It was kind of awesome. Once we returned home, we finished preparations for Liberty's goodbye party. It was a welcome distraction from the sadness I feel that she's leaving. Liberty and I have had our ups and downs, but I feel this year we've had the opportunity to spend time together as our best selves. There wasn't sickness or necessity that forced us together -- just a deep bond of friendship and love. Our husbands go together like falafel and naan -- they weren't make for each other, but they might as well have been (naan's better than pita anyway)... Once Kimber and David got back from Denver, it's been like a long, wonderful party. Liberty's departure is one of the saddest things that has happened this year, which reminds me of how very good this year has been. So Yoni and I transported everything to our amazing friend Mary's house  -- the site of the celebration -- and it was beautiful! The flowers were gorgeous, the food was so good and the company? Exquisite.

The nieces and nephews put on an impromptu talent show. When Kip sang one of Louis Armstrong's famous tunes, it seemed so right. These beautiful people, young and old, who I've known since the earliest moments of their being are growing up. We're moving on and getting better.  As Yoni and I wrapped up our evening, we drove home and went into the park to sleep under the perigree moon. Nothing particularly glamorous or dramatic. Just one of those simple, perfect days when you think to yourself, what a wonderful world.