
Bite me... No, really...

Yoni and I have both been on the road for the last few weeks. Yoni was in Australia, so I went to hang out with my sisters and mom. When Yoni returned on Saturday we needed to get  back to DC. We drove across the country (by the way, West Viginia is totally dreamy. A trailer park we drove by there is more picturesque than the chicest part of New York or DC). As we approached our little place on The Hill, I checked my email to find extremely sad news from my landlord: The bikes stored downstairs had been stolen. Our sweet, wonderful tandem bike was gone. I was despondent.  We rolled up at about 2 am. I rushed down and while I am still very sorry about my neighbors bikes, I was deliriously happy to find Fanny, our tandem bike, looking rather lonely in the basement. Our helmets were gone, which would have been really annoying had I not thought she was too!  

Also ... our travels and my birthday have meant I have done practically no cooking. So when I found myself in my own kitchen, I wanted to cook. Unfortunately, there was almost nothing in our fridge. But a box of blueberries had shriveled instead of molded, so I thought there might be a way to reconstitute those. I found six eggs, some chevre, an untouched container of goat yogurt, maple syrup and butter. Soon, my kitchen misadventure culminated in a mountain of tangy flapjacks with a swoon worthy syrup. 

Here's the recipe:

Charity's Tangy Pancakes
with Blueberry Maple Sauce

6 eggs
2 cups yogurt
1/2 cup goat or cream cheese
1 1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt (optional)

1 tbsp butter
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1/2 lb fresh, frozen or shriveled berries
1/2 tsp salt (optional)

Cream yogurt and cheese together. Add vanilla, eggs, sugar, salt and flour. Beat until smooth. Heat pan to medium heat. Grease pan with butter. Use a quarter cup of mix per pancake. Flip when little pits form where bubbles once were. 

Place berries, syrup, salt and butter in a sauce pan. Heat and let simmer for 10 minutes


Place ingredients in a medium sized microwave safe bowl. Cook on high heat for 4 minutes.  

Makes more servings than Yoni and I could eat. I'm guessing we could have served 6 civilized guests and 4 ravenously hungry ones with this recipe.