
GUYS. Guys. Guys, Halloween Costumes Next Year? Guys?

An afternoon spent mourning Halloween's passing and doing nothing I was supposed to has resulted in whatever this is (I'll tell you what it is: magnificent). For reals though, I feel like dressing up as each other is a pretty good group outfit. The people who get it would think that we're so clever (or just weirdly obsessed with each other (or both of those things at the same time))!

Sisters, can we spend next Halloween together and do this? It would bring me so many giggles.

Other peoples, what was your favorite group costume you saw this Halloween? Hopefully there were some better ideas out there than Miley Cyrus and that creepy rape-y prison escapee. My favorite was Daft Punkin (two sleekly dressed dudes with their heads inside of jack-o-lanterns instead of robo-helmets).