If Mimo were a piece of fruit,
Well, I would surely pick her;
And if she were a Popsicle,
I'd simply have to lick her.
If Mimo were a fancy dress,
I'd definitely wear her;
And if she were a chocolate bar,
I might not want to share her.
If Mimo were a movie,
She'd be sold out every night;
And if she were dessert,
She'd taste so rich, yet be so light!
If Mimo were a puppy,
She'd be spunky and behaved.
If she'd been helping Noah,
Unicorns they'd have saved.
If Mimo were a baked good,
She'd be warm and cheesy toast,
(Or chocolate cake, or beigli --
Whichever you prefer the most!)
If Mimo were the weather,
She'd be San Fran in September;
If she were a museum,
You can bet I'd be a member!
If Mimo were a Senate bill,
She'd get 100 Yea's
If she were a fad diet,
She would surely start a craze.
If she were a dictator,
Mimo's subjects would just love her!
And if she were a mountain,
There would be no peaks above her.
If you could see inside her,
The ego would be tiny,
On the other hand, her heart is gold
And very, very shiny.
If Mimo were a star
She would always be True North;
Precious diamonds, pearls and rubies
Can't hold a candle to her worth.
I could go on, and on, and on...
She'd conquer any test.
Simply put, in every way,
Our Mimo is the best!