Disaster Preparedness

So, as you may or may not know, there's a storm a'coming to the East Coast. Right when we happen to be on the East Coast. In fact, I think that natural disasters have an unhealthy obsession with Momo, Four, Z, and me, because they've kind of been stalking us (earthquake in Colorado, then DC, and now a hurricane in New Haven? I mean, come on nature. Get a life.) Anyway, I thought this provided an excellent opportunity to teach Disaster Preparedness 126: Dorm Room Food Storage.

Lesson 1: Get a lot of crap food from your dining hall
Lesson 2: Feel guilty
Lesson 3: Go back and get some fruit
Lesson 4: Get an egg, too
Lesson 5: Don't die

If you haven't already guessed, this is a very popular class.