I like Christmas music. a lot. So I kind of maybe started listening to it on November 1st this year....I know what you're thinking, but don't worry! I didn't start all at once. I knew Five would be opposed to the idea of Christmas carols before Turkey Day, so instead of blaring jingle-tastic tunes continuously, I performed a form of inception on her. By intermingling her favorite music with my favorite Christmas songs, I allowed her to think the Christmas music was normal music. This incremental introduction to holiday cheer worked. She didn't notice. at. all. At least for a little while. Like maybe one day. But this one day allowed me to prepare my defense--a strategy for convincing her that everything was OK. After explaining that though there may be some pretty spooky Halloween music, the Thanksgiving music department was generally lacking she graciously allowed me to continue listening.

Now that normal people have started listening to holiday music, I can finally share my newest discovery. You all know how much we love these timeless tunes, but I think I've found another favorite.
"The Cowboy's Christmas Ball" by the Killers combines all things magical and marvelous (Cowboys+ Christmas+Balls...Umm, ooh. Erm. Well, yeah. You know what I mean).
Anyway, it's amazing.
I'm in love.