
"Fly Me to the Moon!"

 Last week Astro Boy asked me on a date in a rather unorthodox manner. About a week before the date, a package arrived containing some chocolates (salted caramel...yum), a stuffed pygmy elephant from WWF (representing the real baby pygmy elephant he adopted in my name), and several letters.
Each letter contained instructions about when the next was to be opened ("OPEN FIRST!", "Open the day before the date", "Open after the date") and clues about the upcoming date. 
As some of you know, Astro Boy is preparing to become an astronaut in...Texas.
So the medium of communication was...
But, somehow, that didn't really matter. 
And he planned everything, including: 
what we would eat
after dinner activities 
(which included star gazing via planetarium software).

I like him.
He's really cute
just the right amount of nerd for me.

I think I had just shown him this.
To be fair, y'all should know he didn't know any of these pictures were being taken....Sorry Astro Boy. I couldn't help myself.