
Happy Birthday, Charity Sunshine!!! (& Prince Edward Island Part I)

In celebration of my impending departure (I leave on a mission for our church in 2 days!), and Charity's birthday, last week we made a pilgrimage to a place we've always dreamed of visiting. Inspired by L.M. Montgomery's  Anne of Green Gables, Kimber, Charity, Liberty, Glorianna and I journeyed to Prince Edward Island with Kimi's babies, my mom, and our beloved god-mother. Charity planned the entire adventure, and it was one of the most magical experiences of my life - which is very is fitting because Charity makes everything just a little more extraordinary. Today, on Charity's birthday, I cherish the opportunity to take a moment to reflect on her truly incredible life and the many delightsome times we've shared. I adore my family. They are the most remarkable group of people I've ever had the privilege of associating with. But even among this group of tremendously determined and accomplished siblings, I think we all agree that Charity was given an extra measure of a number of truly wonderful qualities. Equal parts optimism, radiance, passion, tenacity and undiluted grit have made her into one of the most inspiring and indomitable people I've ever met. Charity Sunshine, thank you for brightening all of our lives. You never cease to amaze me. I'm going to miss you terribly, but I'm so happy we get to share and celebrate this birthday before I leave. Thank you for planning such a beautiful goodbye-birthday adventure. I can't wait for our shenanigans to resume when I get back!

Here are too many pictures from PEI. But we actually have LOADS more which we'll share soon :-)