
Missions, Missionaries and How A Mission Saved My Life

True story: When I started conservatory in 2003, I planned to stay for no more than a year. The reason why? From the time I was a little girl, all I wanted to be was a missionary. For the entire year, I was preparing. I had an early bed time. I woke up at 5. I prayed and studied my scriptures multiple times daily. I worked with the missionaries in Budapest as frequently as I could. All the while, I was studying the great music of the Western world. I had completed all of my interviews and i had one step left: I needed to see my doctor. This is why I came home from Hungary. When I went in for the appointment, she listened to my heart and discovered something. She did the EKG and that day, I realized how limited my time on earth was. I also realized the mission I had been preparing for was entirely different from the one that I had always dreamed of serving.

Today, Mercina makes final preparations to enter the Missionary Training Center tomorrow. My remarkable little sister off to serve her own mission. I thank the Lord and all of the beautiful and wonderful women I knew growing up for planting that desire to serve in my heart. That desire saved my life. Even though I'm very sad Mercina's leaving, seeing my little sister leave the family she loves, her Yale education and a really great boyfriend to do what she knows is right just makes my soul very happy.