Fall & in love...
I love autumn.
I love pretty much everything about it. I love the weather, and the colors. I love eating fresh crisp apples of a fresh crisp day. I love how it’s cold enough to turn my cheeks, lips, and nose bright red, but warm enough that it doesn't sting. I love wearing boots, scarves, and corduroy, carving pumpkins, and braiding head-wreaths out of leaves.
This weekend Dr. P and I simply basked in the loveliness of the season, and we have the pictures to prove it!
Friday: Milkshakes at Z Burger (they boast a truly awesome menu of 75 flavors)
with Doctors P, T, & D
Saturday: Benefit Concert for Tahirih,
a great organization that protects women and girls from violence
Though I ran out of batteries taking pictures of the lake...
Dr. S and one of the guys' faculty members played brilliantly in their respective bands:
Palpable Thrill and Prescription for disaster
and to top it off
on Monday we had a meeting with the Girl Scouts
and they brought COOKIES!