On Monday, while One was locked in mortal battle with the DC permit office, Momo took Five, Brother Z and me on a different--less engaging--kind of crusade (the crusade against bad teeth and sick children). We woke up at 5:30 a.m., drove to the doctor's office, filled out forms, waited in line, got our flu shots, drove to the dental center, filled out more forms and spent several hours getting our teeth scratched. Because our agenda was neither thrilling nor enjoyable, Momo decided to throw in something to sweeten the deal. So, after our appointments, unable to eat or move our left arms, we headed to Rock Creek Farm in Broomfield, Co. We picked pumpkins, meandered through the corn maze, perused autumnal goodies, and got to know a particularly affable black and orange speckled rooster.

To finish the day we indulged in the perfect harvest meal: super scrumptious pumpkin ricotta rigatoni, carottes fouettées (recipe below), and lemon pepper broccoli. I love fall!

Stew carrots in warm salted water until tender. Remove from water and place in blender or food processor. Mix on high and add approximately 1/2 C. butter, garlic, pepper, salt, powdered ginger and curry powder to taste. When you have the desired flavor, add 2-4 tablespoons of cream or milk until you get a consistency similar to mashed potatoes. Voila!
10 Carrots (large)
1/2 C. Butter
Roasted Garlic
Cream or Milk
Powdered Ginger
Curry Powder