Over the past few weeks, I've become terribly overwhelmed by everything in particular. It's been one of those little periods in life where I have so many good, productive things to do that I've concluded the best course of action is to hide under my desk and avoid them all (please see attached image). That's not really an excuse for rampant unproductivity and shirking any and all responsibility, but it is sort of an explanation. I'm sorry in general. No. Mostly, I'm sorry Charity. You are indefatigable. your efforts to motivate me have been thoughtful, varied, and occasionally threatening. I really do appreciate them, even if I haven't made that apparent. You deserve an award. Maybe something bronzed -- like a quill pen or a pair of children's booties. I was going to send this note to you alone, and then I realized you'd be happier if I just wrote a blog post. But I still wanted to apologize (and had already mostly written this), so I just decided to combine them.
I'll do better.
I promise.
Smack me next time I get like this.