Flower Porn

My friend K will send me emails every so often with a very simple subject line. PORN it reads. The first time I received one of these emails I promptly deleted it, and sent her a note alerting her to the fact that her email must have been hacked. She was distraught. Not on account of the hacking, but rather because I had deleted her messages which apparently was filled with pictures that--she assured me--would take my breath away.  

She was right.

The beauties within came in all shapes and colors and sizes. Some were bold and loud and fully saturated, others sweet and soft and delicate. Most were taken outside in broad daylight. Often the images were brazenly captured in public parks, but occasionally they were intimate, taken in private homes and gardens... 

They were, quite simply, the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen. And the mistake of deleting that first email was never repeated again.

Today, I have decided to dabble in some flower porn of my own. I will not be so bold as to promise breath-taking beauty, but I do think there is something so stunning and reassuring about flowers in winter. They are such a sweet reminder of beauty and life, amid the grey and gloom.