Let's Talk Underwire

Pink striped wallpaper and pictures of breasts, butts and bodies that look more Barbie than human are plastered on every surface, figuratively slapping my face with reminders of the body I don't have. A woman in a tight, short black dress with breasts cascading out of her top comes into fit me. Tape in hand, she measures the widest part of my chest. I feel like I'm being sized up for a cheap escort service. I leave feeling somewhat dirty, trying to hide my pink, striped bag from view.

This has been my experience shopping at Victoria's Secret. And it's no surprise. Victoria's Secret was made by a man for men who were uncomfortable shopping for women's lingerie in department stores. Ray Raymond wanted a place men could go to get something sexy for their love interest and feel comfortable.

Les Wexler bought the store later and decided to gear it towards women. As he was nearing 70, he thought up the Pink brand, wanting girls to have more fun with their underwear. To quote The Sound of Music, when contemplating this, "why don't I feel any better." Maybe because it's totally disconcerting and kind of gross that the largest specialty store for women's underwear is masterminded by a bunch of old men.

This past weekend, I finally decided to do something about it. Kimber told me I needed to get fitted at Nordstrom. And I did. And I think it might have just changed my life. It felt so much less awkward going to the same place I buy shoes or dresses to find a good bra. The woman who fit me was friendly and not trying to look like a Victoria's Secret angel. There were mom's taking their daughters for their first bras, sisters picking out things for weddings. The woman who helped me brought me no fewer than 25 bras to try on. The result was positively ... uplifting. For the first time since I was 13, I didn't feel ashamed to buy underwear. I felt happy and pretty and I don't think I'll ever return to the pink walk of shame.  Shopping for body basics shouldn't lead to anyone feeling worse about their body. It shouldn't lead to women feeling fat. It should leave us feeling happy and supported (pun intended).

What are your most traumatic underwire stories?