It might be a wee understatement to say I haven't been quite myself recently. This move rocked me. I haven't known which way was up, and my body responded by mounting a revolt. My limbs were icicles, even though the weather's balmy. My brain was a mushball, no matter that I was feeding it a steady stream of fantastic writing. Meanwhile my tear ducts were in overdrive. And my heart, gosh, that little bugger has been a tempestuous prisoner if there ever was one. Ferociously slamming against the inside of my chest, and trying to crawl up my throat when I'm trying to sleep.
Altogether far too many pictures after the jump...
^^^travel tip: have awesome physicist relatives that let you crash with them on their brainy retreat^^^
^^^mountain street-fruit is somehow simultaneously more and less exciting than its city-slicker cousins^^^^^^Premal taking the lyrics "climb every mountain" a bit literally^^^